Moist and eggless chocolate marble cake
I welcome all you readers to a world of eggless bakes that tries to compete neck to neck with the "real deal", yes I try and bake without any eggs trying to achieve the same kind if texture, moistness and the quality of the baked goodies with added eggs. I have got a taste of both the versions. Of late I have been baking lot of bread, almost once a week and now I have the bread formula in my head !! Lot can be done to create a recipe from a base recipe - tweaking it here and there but mostly trying to keep it as it was - trying to understand the purpose of each element in the recipe and trying to substitute some in some cases like nut allergy, gluten intolerance, egg allergy etc..., - trying to add some more elements into the recipe to make it more suitable to your tastes Whatever you try to do to an original recipe, the basic thing will be to understand the purpose of each and every element of the recipe. Not only what the recipe contains but understanding the method is ...